Welcome to the Scope of Practice Podcast
As a workforce development agency, the CCB recognizes that there are amazing things happening in the world of Substance Use Disorder Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery - much of which doesn't make its way to those working in 'boots on the ground" positions. Our goal is to bring some of these things to you in an effort to elicit conversation.
Sometimes controversial, always free.

Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
The Therapeutic Relationship: Political Countertransference
Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
These politically charged times have affected all of us, and to assume that those we serve in the treatment and recovery space isn't realistic. Our clients bring their own beliefs and emotional responses to us in session, and to not recognize our own political countertransference can be disastrous to the therapeutic relationship. Join us as we talk to Sarah Benton, MS, LMHC, LPC, AADC as we talk about issues brought up in her PsychologyToday.com blog "Therapists: Are You Having Political Countertransference? (https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-high-functioning-alcoholic/202101/therapists-are-you-having-political-countertransference).
Interested in earning 1 CE towards initial certification or renewal? Email info@ctcertboard.org.

Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
The ATTC Network: An Invaluable Resource for Professionals
Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
We are lucky to have Dr. Holly Hagle, Co-Director of the ATTC Network Coordinating Office in Kansas City and Dr. Sara Becker, Project Director of the New England ATTC at Brown University, join us to talk about the organizations' role in the professional development of those in our industry. The ATTC Network is an invaluable resource for SUD professionals.

Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Why Aren't We Talking About Outcome Data?
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Join us as we have a discussion on the lack of outcome data and real change in the SUD treatment industry - sure to be thought provoking, controversial and will challenge the status quo. Dr. Bob Lynn (Washington state) and Timothy Harrington (Los Angeles, CA) hold nothing back in their unambiguous words.
Challenge your views and opinions, and let your thoughts be provoked...

Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Crossfit Training: AMRAP
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
AMRAP: A common Crossfit acronym that stands for "As Many Reps A Possible", but with the social connection and support, the sense of belonging, the shared goals of the community it could be argued that it can mean something different to the SUD recovery community: "A Modern Recovery Assisting Pathway."
Join us for a lively discussion with Dr. Meg Patterson from the Texas A&M Health and Kinesiology department as she talks about what she has uncovered about the healing power of the Crossfit community.

Wednesday May 19, 2021
The Importance of Graduate Training in Clinical Treatment of Substance Use Disorders
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Wednesday May 19, 2021
We discuss the overall need and importance for advanced training on the graduate level for substance use disorder clinical providers, with Western Connecticut State University Psychology Professor Dr. Shane Murphy. He also shares with us some of his work and leadership as a sports psychologist with both the American Psychological Association and the US Olympic Committee

Wednesday May 05, 2021
Safety in the Workplace: Active Shooter Preparation
Wednesday May 05, 2021
Wednesday May 05, 2021
The conversation that no one wants to have, but we must have. We speak with protection and active shooter expert Michael Clarke, Founder of The Safer Solution in Los Angeles about preparing for the unthinkable.

Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
Recovery Pathways? How About Recovery Trails?
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
A discussion with Tim Walsh, Founder of Adventure Recovery in northwest Connecticut, talks about how adventure based programming with specially trained peers is a great way to develop an additional trail in building recovery supports and capital.

Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
The Healing Power of Music: Practical Applications
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Join us as Kathy Moser, founder of Music For Recovery, sits down and discusses how songwriting can help develop recovery skills and provides practical examples of her work. We feature some of Kathy's work and the compelling stories of the group process as each song is created by those individuals in recovery.

Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
The Healing Power of Music: A Primer on Music and SUD Recovery
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
We talk with Kathy Moser, founder of Music for Recovery in New Jersey, who talks about how music helps instill a sense of group cohesion and hope for those in recovery from a substance use disorder.

Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
It's Not About Us...Or Is It? A Primer on Countertransference
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Thanks to the generous sponsorship of Mountainside Treatment Center, we speak with Tom Baier, MHS, a behavioral health consultant, CARF reviewer, and Drexel University professor with over 30 years experience as a clinician, clinical supervisor and administrator. He joins us to discuss one of his areas of expertise, and most misunderstood topics in the SUD/COD treatment industry, countertransference.

About Scope of Practice
As a workforce development organization that is focused on competency and ethic, the Connecticut Certification Board wanted to design a program that focuses on issues and information that the SUD professional may not otherwise be exposed to. We know that some of our topics and guests are controversial, including that content was an important part of our planning - it elicits conversation and may even challenge how we think about our work. We'd love you to join us with open eyes and an open mind! Thanks for listening!